Wednesday, June 8, 2011

First impressions

My alarm went off at 4am to make sure I made my 6am flight out of Asheville. My first flight was to Chicago where I had a 2 hour layover then got on my flight to Houston. Once I made it to Houston I had to go to the opposite side of the airport but since I had a 3 hr layover it didn't bother me. Finally boarded the plane to Leon/Guanajuato. It was a short flight. I was definitely in the minority on the flight and I loved it. I landed around 3 pm CT where I was greeted by Maggie and Alex (our team leaders). We then started a 3 hr trip to the camp. We had to walk and take the buses but I was excited. I enjoy using public transportation. I arrived at the camp just as the other interns were finishing ESL club with the street children. The girls showed me to my new home. (pictures to come) We then went into town (Guanajuato) to try and watch the USA vs. Canada soccer game. Sadly the game was on paper-view so we grabbed dinner at a local restaurant (soooo good). After dinner we were able to walk around talk to locals. We host an English club for the university students so we were talking and inviting students to come to the club on wednesday. We grabbed a bus back to the camp and just hung out until falling asleep. Our team in the mornings does INSANITY (beach body here I come). After we finished our intense workout for the morning we were able to spend some time getting ready and reading in hammocks before heading into town for the day. On wednesdays we have individual meetings with Maggie at a local coffee shop while the rest of the team uses the internet at starbucks. We stay in town until after English club. Club meets from 6-8. I am really excited because it will be my first time. I am slowing started to get some sense of how to get around.

Please pray for the relationships between us and the locals. Our main purpose down here is to build relationships with them and that God will use those relationships to plant seeds.
I am starting to feel a little bit more comfortable with trying to speak spanish it is going to take some time but I excited about being able to use that tool.  

 Me in front of the camp sign. 

Patricia I will find use bracelets! 

A mountainside in Guanajuato. It is absolutely beautiful here. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I know someone that was in Chicago on their way to Mexico to do mission work. Who knows if you were right there with them or not but I hope you have fun!
